12:59:282009-09-16 14:01:05Guy Kawasaki interviews me on his blog
I discovered your blog through Guy’s interview. Was so impressed with the interview that I have your book heading this direction via my friends at UPS. Great resource blog… I’ll be returning often.
Jenflex says:
Got the book last nite — hooray!
Santana says:
Olá Penelope,
Achei a sua idéia interessante e vou passar a utilizar, pois percebir que é uma importante ferramenta para mostrar as suas qualidades profissionais para as outras pessoas.
Terrific interview, Penelope. There are times when a text-based interview works really well. Concise. Well-crafted word choice. No “ums” to edit. This hit the spot.
Great answers and great exposure for you.
I discovered your blog through Guy’s interview. Was so impressed with the interview that I have your book heading this direction via my friends at UPS. Great resource blog… I’ll be returning often.
Got the book last nite — hooray!
Olá Penelope,
Achei a sua idéia interessante e vou passar a utilizar, pois percebir que é uma importante ferramenta para mostrar as suas qualidades profissionais para as outras pessoas.
Terrific interview, Penelope. There are times when a text-based interview works really well. Concise. Well-crafted word choice. No “ums” to edit. This hit the spot.