Is your marriage ruining your career?

I’ve been a huge fan of Huma Abedin ever since she married Anthony Weiner, the smart, liberal politician who made C-SPAN an entertainment channel.

Huma’s first job was as Hilary Clinton’s assistant when she was First Lady. Huma has been with Hilary ever since, and she has risen to the top of Hilary’s circle. You seldom see a photo of Hilary in a room where Huma is not close by.

In a Vogue interview Huma was smart and powerful and married to a fun guy and she just really was a dream. And she was beautiful while she was pregnant, as rather than giving up State Department duties, she let out waistlines.

Then Anthony Weiner got caught sending photos of his penis to random women. And women he had a long-standing penis-photo-sharing relationship with.

Huma stood by him. After all, it’s hard to believe he wouldn’t figure out how to stop texting photos of himself or at least start sending more discreetly.

Unemployed, he became a stay-at-home dad — a perfect fit for Huma’s huge career but not a good fit for Weiner’s huge ego, so he ran for mayor of NYC.

Smart people forgive stupidity in marriage

New Yorkers are forgiving, and anyway, this was when Eliot Spitzer, who was thrown out of office for hiring call girls, was running for comptroller. So things seemed fine in the Weiner-Abedin household until, while running for office on a platform on contrition, he sent more photos of his penis to random women.

Abedin said nothing.

Now that there’s a kid, Huma can never get Weiner out of her life. He’ll be there for all the significant events in her child’s life. She will have to co-parent with him. She will have to pay alimony and child support because she’s the breadwinner.

Divorce is a career killer

There’s a reason that only 3% of college educated couples get divorced – because it just makes you poor.  Hedge fund king Paul Tudor Jones says divorce is so destabilizing to a career that he stops giving people money to manage when they are going through a divorce. Oscar winner Robin Williams just announced he is going back to sit-coms to pay for his two divorces. It’s hard to argue that divorce will ever help your career when your income is split in half. And your career flexibility disappears when your earning flexibility disappears.

So I understood completely why she wasn’t filing for divorce. It would accomplish nothing.

But now it’s different. The Washington Post reports that Hilary has all but announced her 2016 presidential campaign, and she told Huma to choose between Weiner and Hilary.

This makes sense. Marriages scandals for Gary Hart and John Edwards killed presidential campaigns. And Hilary has been through hell with Bill’s cheating scandals. There’s no way she’d make her campaign vulnerable to Weiner’s antics.

Most people overestimate how limiting their marriage is

People come to me for help with lots of work/life choices. In general, people completely overestimate how much their marriage is hurting them. In the equation they look only at the benefits of divorce and not all the new problems. Imagine this: your vacation schedule has to operate around your  ex spouse’s new spouse’s ex’s schedule. And you have to pay for your spouse’s vacation that is impeding your own. It’s a scenario that is so common yet no one thinks it will happen to them. And of course, the more common scenario is there’s no money for vacations because you’re supporting two households on one household’s income.

So you have to weigh how annoying your spouse is vs how annoying it will be to have to run your life around your spouse’s spouse while you raise the kids. With no money. The reason smart people don’t get divorced is that it’s a squandering of resources, and most things we want out of life we can get without a divorce. And, most marriages get much better after 5 years, if you just stay.

Most people underestimate how limited their career options are

The other thing I hear from lots of people is that they are stressed that they have to pick between career and home life. But they are delusional about what their career prospects are. For one thing, most people with huge career prospects give very little thought to what they have to give up at home – they just don’t care. But also, for most of you, moving up three or four levels in your career will not affect your home life. For the most part, it’s only when you are running a startup or running a large company that your home life goes to shit. Or doing major travel for a job.

So very few people are faced with a true decision between work and family. And seeing Huma’s situation shows you just how far you are from having to make that sort of decision. So don’t tell yourself your family holds back your carer. It doesn’t. Your lack of drive to be at the very, very top holds back your career. It’s okay. Most people don’t have it. Ramit Sethi makes more than a million dollars a year with his online business. But he wrote a post about how you are not going to be able to do that because it has required an insane amount of work that most people won’t do.

And Todd Buchholz writes that being great requires nonstop work and people who are great actually like it. Malcolm Gladwell talks about how greatness requires 10,000 hours of practice at that one thing. People who have huge careers love, love, love their work.

Those are the types of people who end up having to choose.

Huma Abedin puts a very stark light on the issue of work/life choices

So I look at Huma’s decision, and I wonder: What do you guys think? What should she choose?

How can she tell her kid that she got a divorce from the kid’s dad so she could run a political campaign? It’s sad. Really. Because it devalues her child’s family. Anthony loves Huma. He’s a fuckup, but he loves her. And he loves the kid. And he’s not directly hurting them, he’s hurting himself. Most men could send photos of their penis with impunity – it’s only one step further than risking semen on the keyboard every week, which most husbands have done at least a few times.

I confess that if I were Huma I think I’d choose to do the campaign. I’d divorce Weiner. I feel bad. It’s not good for her kid. It’s not the parent I want to be. And I want to be someone who values marriage more than that. I would tell myself I can’t support the family with a husband like Weiner. It’s not true. But if I were Huma that’s what I’d tell myself.

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  1. Summer
    Summer says:

    I can’t believe that someone so smart and savvy didn’t know about her future husband’s “antics.” People in politics marry each other foremost for connections and power, I’m sure Huma has an agenda and reason for staying married and it has nothing to do with what we think it does.

  2. Lucy Chen
    Lucy Chen says:

    Not an American and care very little about politics, I didn’t know this very entertaining scandal before I read your article. But after reading it, I have a pretty good idea about what’s been happening.

    Well, it’s hard, isn’t it? I think most people would choose Hillary.

    Penelope, I hope you don’t mind me leaving a comment on something seemingly unrelated. My mom’s 2nd ex-husband (so not my dad) has been paying my mom only pennies because he was avoiding tax illegally.

    Sigh… my mother was too kind to take any action. After years, I finally couldn’t stand it any more and reported him to the tax office a few months ago. But when the tax office called my mom to investigate, my mom refused to give any information.

    Talking about divorce makes you poor? Well, not in this case. He’s driving sports cars, Benz family car (I don’t know models or brands of cars), and live in a big house, with 2 kids, a young wife, and his two in-laws. Earning the wage of a master chef in a fancy Italian restaurant, he pays for my step-brother and mom only $25 a week.

  3. Jenn
    Jenn says:

    She could try a trial separation and convince Anthony to go therapy as a strategy. Make it all public. It may show the public that she’s not a pushover but also believes in the sanctity of marriage.

    I believe its a bit hypocritical for Hilary to ask Abedin to choose her or Weiner when she did not divorce Bill. Bill and Hilary’s relationship is different. Bill’s scandal did not completely ruin his career and his political clout is still higher than Hilary’s, she needs him. Abedin does not need Weiner, at least not politically

  4. Christine
    Christine says:

    This article is really interesting and I’m thrilled to see a writer address this honestly. I thought about what you say previously in the comments thread:

    You can love such a wide range of people. And it is truly impossible to know how a marriage will unfold. So given that, why not look to marry someone who will be a good partner for creating the life you want?

    I used to have a lot of respect for Huma until recently. Her behavior makes me think that she didn’t marry for the right reasons. It tells me that she doesn’t respect herself. She tried to marry into the political scene, just like Hilary Clinton who fortunately navigated her way through that very well but the point is a loser is a loser, plain and simple, any smart, educated and accomplished woman is going to notice that well before agreeing to a marriage. I don’t judge her, I hate to judge another woman because I could be completely wrong but I think she married for political gain and now it has come to bite her in the a**. Someone like her could have any wonderful, supportive and successful man with the courage to have a wife that successful (they might be few and far between but they are out there, I know, I married one). Watching her stand by him only told me that it is ok to allow a man to disrespect you, your child together and trash your marriage. I agree 100% that marriage isn’t all about love, timing or social pressures, it is about creating the life you want but when you are only looking for political, social or financial gain in a marriage you become blinded and disregard serious and detrimental character flaws just as the girl who watches way too many romantic comedies and scrapbooks her wedding when she isn’t even remotely engaged because society told her that is the biggest life accomplishment she will ever have.

    My husband and I are in our early thirties, college educated and both have great careers. We both have sacrificed tremendously for each other. He sacrificed everything while I had a career in New York and then I sacrificed so he could follow his career and we ended up in the midwest. Currently, he is the primary breadwinner but at one time I was (while he was in the military) and I have marketable skills and gained success as a freelancer with a start-up currently in the works. Travel is crazy, and sometimes our home life is a complete shambles but even when things aren’t perfect, we are fine with that, we work together and pick up the pieces because we love and respect each other. We are proud of each other, proud of our marriage and proud of the life we created. We know when we need to be committed to our careers and when we need to take a step back and focus on our marriage but what makes this work is communication and respect at all times. To stay flexible we live well below our means. I know that our situation won’t work for most people but regardless spouses don’t deserve the disrespect that Anthony Wiener’s behavior exhibits repeatedly and it shouldn’t be tolerated. The example of Huma and Anthony is just too far over the edge I think for most people battling work-life balance which I know was your point but I think the issue of respect means more than whether or not your career is big enough to make these kinds of choices.

    This situation transcends the normal marital strife people face even those with big careers. Marriage isn’t perfect but I can assure you my husband isn’t tweeting pictures of his penis to other women. I think if she truly wants to do the right thing and really break some barriers for women, she will dump his sorry a** because she is better than that proving to women that your skills and your future aren’t reliant on a man and deserve a man that respects and supports you.

    Thanks Penelope, I always look to your blog for advice. It’s gotten me through some crazy times in my career and I really appreciate it.

  5. Dennis
    Dennis says:

    I have always wondered if Abedin knew (and approved) about her husband’s online photo play before he got caught, maybe he had her permission since their two careers kept them apart so much…that would fully explain why she stayed with him. If true, she would not leave him to go work for Hillary due to the fear that if that came out during Hillary’s campaign it would do great damage.

  6. Fumika Misato
    Fumika Misato says:

    Keep the marriage. Keep the career. Reorder the home life to make them both work for you. Maybe that’s not for Abedin but it is something many women are already doing.

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