My third flipbook (and I still can’t decide if it’s one word or two)

I really want to call my friend Minami even though its the middle of the night. I want to wake her up to ask if this picture is a good one to post here. I want to ask her if the frame on the picture is too thick. I want to ask if the blue on the coat is too thin.

But I promised myself I’d post tonight and I’m not going to wake her up, so here’s my newest flipbook.

I’m trying to get better at finishing projects; I notice that often, when I’m very close to finishing something I get scared that it’s bad and I leave the last 3% unfinished so I never have to find out for sure.

I might have become a hoarder of unfinished projects. You know what those homes look like on the TV show Hoarders? That’s what the inside of my head looks like.

And you know how on Hoarders the person works all day to get one little bunch of stuff packaged to go? And they’re so proud? That’s me. Giving this package to you.

7 replies
  1. Sam
    Sam says:

    I really love your flipbooks. Have you been doing these kind of projects for awhile or just the three flip books you’ve shared with us? I feel like I’m witnessing an artistic bourgeoning. Your flipbooks have a very youthful feel (not in a bad way)- and I would have loved going through them when I was a teenager also. I don’t know if you’ve considered creating content for this population but maybe in the future as you continue to do work extricating yourself from a dysfunctional family system (/ narcissistic abusers- I don’t want to label people I don’t know but based on years of your writing that appears to be the case) you can share your work with younger vulnerable people. Sending you love Penelope. Keep creating!

  2. Paul Hassing
    Paul Hassing says:

    Hi, P. I found the Adulting content harder to process. It’s so raw. But overnight it reminded me of my parents’ disinterest in hearing of the abuse that happened in their home. While they were in the opposite end of it. So now I’m behind your cry of rage/pain. I even thought of hacking the page-turning sound to add the odd SCREAM! Just to ram home how sudden, & awful, child abuse is. Risky. But what do victims have left to lose? Kindest, P.

    • Penelope
      Penelope says:

      Adding audio is so appealing to me. There are ways to make it so I narrate the flipbook. I tried that – just to see. It didn’t seem to add anything. But I wasn’t thinking as creatively about audio as you are…


      • Paul Hassing
        Paul Hassing says:

        That’s a bugger! I’m now thinking Peter & the Wolf, but with screams for people, instead of instruments for animals (e.g. Fargo Season 1). I don’t imagine AI is up to that yet. One day, this may be a handy test of AI empathy with the human condition. The Screaming Test. ;)


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