How to delegate effectively

I am the poster-child for the saying “You have to spend money to make money”. I make a lot of money but I spend most of it on people who help me to do things so I can keep making money. For example, I have an assistant, a driver, a nanny, an editor, and a research maven. None are full-time but all make my life much better.

I think I make their lives better, too, because I’m good at delegating. Here are three delegating rules I live by:

1. Don’t think of it as delegation. Think of it as customizing jobs.
The reason driving nearly put me in the mental ward is that I can’t stop looking for new things to think about. Which means I either feel mental anguish focusing on driving or I crash. So I found Carla, who is much happier driving than being at her former desk job.

She is the second Jehovah’s Witness in my life. The first is my assistant.

When I was a kid, Jehovah’s Witnesses used to come to our door. We had no parents at home. So I was always like, “Finally, someone is here to talk to me and my brother.” But they won’t come in and talk if there is no parent home. Jehovah’s Witnesses can spot a family situation that is too bad to mingle with.

Do you see how I just used the word like? Normally I would reword that sentence because it would provoke cries of pain from grammar police across the Internet. But my editor sent me this article about how using like is actually acknowledging the fact that truth is elusive.

So anyway, I think I gravitate toward Jehovah’s Witnesses because everyone in the vicinity of my farm has lived here a million years. But the Witnesses (that’s what you call them if you talk about them a lot) move to new places so they can keep converting new people. So they are often newcomers and they are always outcasts.

So they are outcasts and I am an outcast and we attract each other.

While Carla was driving I was telling her how I did like five hours of research about Amanda Knox. At first I was looking for information about the sex game she was playing when she was arrested. The Italian police think she and two guys were playing a sex game and Amanda’s roommate wouldn’t play so they killed her.

I didn’t understand what sort of sex game that could be. So I googled and it turns out there probably wasn’t a sex game. But I kept reading and noticed reports about her inappropriate eye contact in the court room. There’s a picture of her smiling in court up top. And inappropriate behavior at the police station. Another smile picture:

And her friends say she was the smartest person they’ve ever met. The more I read, the more I am sure she has Aspergers.

Also, her mom has it. Look, I know you think I’m nuts that I diagnose everyone. But I am a genius at seeing it in women. The mom is a math teacher and a really nice guy divorced her and she married someone Amanda’s age. See? She’s a social idiot who is really smart.

So I tell Carla about my Aspergers theory and Carla says, “You should google it.” Carla has pretty much made that my car job. Carla is the driver and I google things. So guess what? There is a Time magazine article about how Amanda probably has Aspergers. How did I miss this?

2. Instead of delegating the type of work you don’t respect, delegate work you wish you were good at.
Clive Thompson emailed me to tell me that he reads my homeschool blog, likes it and wonders if he could send me his new book, Smarter Than You Think: How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better. And I was like, “OMG I’m so happy I’m so happy” because I love the writing he does in the New York Times. I set up an interview, which I never do because I don’t know how to ask questions. I only know how to answer questions. So I asked my research maven to find all the interviews he’s done so I can steal people’s questions.

But after all that, I skipped over all the questions and just argued with Clive. Why? Why do I do that? Why do I need Clive to see that his book is a diatribe on why people should homeschool? I wrote down all kinds of stuff from our interview where he says things that prove he should be homeschooling his kids. But it’s immature of me.

Another immature thing I did was write down all the words he used in the interview that I didn’t know. Like perspicacious  and bloviate.

And every time I said self-learner he would replace it with auto-didact. I made a note to make fun of him for that.

And then. Nothing. I mean, it’s not like I can use an interview where I am being an annoying socially incompetent homeschool zealot.

But one good thing came of this exercise. My research maven sent me a great article Clive wrote in Wired about how kids are tied to their electronics because it’s the only way they can get any privacy with their friends because school doesn’t give them privacy.

This dovetails nicely into Jennifer Senior’s new book, All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenting. She says teenagers are hard for parents because parents can’t cope with how their teens need some space. How can parents give space when parents gave up all their own space to be parents?

Okay. I am paraphrasing. But Jen Senior is my favorite living writer. No kidding. I have plagiarized her New York magazine articles about 100 times on this blog. Here and here for starters. And I can call her Jen because she emailed me to ask for career advice.

Sort of. She asked me if she should start a Twitter account to promote her book. And I told her Twitter doesn’t sell anything. I told her I have 135,000 followers and I’ve never done anything useful with that account except sell a tweet for $3000 to someone who thought tweets actually sell things.

I considered asking Jen for an interview, even after Clive. But then I thought, the phone call will be awkward because the only thing I want to ask her is, “On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like me?” So instead, I had my assistant find all the published excerpts of the book, because I like to read magazine articles, not books.

3. Instead of delegating small, low-impact tasks, delegate with the goal of accomplishing your larger agenda.
Probably me writing that I read excerpts instead of the book is going to make Jen knock me down a few notches on the scale of one to ten.

Probably if my roommate were murdered I’d be convicted, too, because I am not good at being quiet when it’s time to be quiet.

And probably you are like, “When is Penelope wrapping up this post? And what was the point again anyway?”

So here’s the to do list I am delegating to you. Read Jennifer Senior’s book. Read Clive Thompson’s book. Tell everyone that Amanda Knox has Asperger’s so our society can start identifying Asperger’s in women instead of just putting them in prison.

61 replies
  1. Karo
    Karo says:

    I’d love to delegate to free up my time but I am super scared of delegating tasks, especially important tasks to others. Being an INTJ I expect perfection and most people can’t give me that, and I hate wasting time training people knowing I will fire them soon after for being incompetent. Any advice?

    • liveonfred
      liveonfred says:

      I don’t have advice since I find myself in the same situation. Recently, I’ve tried hiring assistants and copywriters…turned out terrible. I like Penelope’s idea of hiring with a larger goal in mind. That is what I am trying now. I just hired a freelancer to assist me with client projects rather than sourcing out admin/business related tasks. We’ll see. (I’m INTP).

      • Penelope Trunk
        Penelope Trunk says:

        The bigger a thing you can delegate to someone the bigger benefit you can get.

        I try to focus on what I can’t delegate — like, I can’t delegate writing a post, I can’t delegate kissing my kids goodnight — and then everything that’s not on my list of things to never delegate is stuff I should try really hard to get off my plate.

        I had this idea, when I wasn’t going to the gym, that I could sort of delegate going to the gym. I could hire someone drive me to the gym. She would come to my house and stand in the kitchen until I left to go to the gym. It’s delegating having the willpower to go. That seems like the new frontier of delegating. Or maybe it’s just hiring a babysitter for adults. Such a fine line…


    • Melissa
      Melissa says:

      I’m an INTJ and I manage people/delegate all the time. Penelope drops a hint about how to make it work if you’re a perfectionist.

      Use your perfectionism to find the people who are way more talented than you and delegate to them.

      And you won’t have to worry as much about coming off as a jerk. I find that I am a million times more charming when I have genuine respect & enthusiasm for someone’s skills.

      • Lala
        Lala says:

        I totally agree with Melissa. As an INTJ I’ve found the best strategy is to hire excellent staff (some of whom are also INTJs) and then let them do their thing. I focus on being supportive and creating a good environment. Smart staff love a challenge and it makes it much easier to delegate when I respect the people working for me.

        • lhamo
          lhamo says:

          Another INTJ who totally agrees with this approach. Find great people and let them do their thing/shine. They might not do the work exactly as you do, but often that makes it better.

          But you also have to have the courage to let someone go who is not a good fit for your actual needs. They may be a great person, but not what you need right now. I am currently wrestling with this — have someone on my team who has great skills in some areas, but who is not detail oriented. But right now i don’t have major needs in her area of strength (or funding to let her do that work) — I need someone who can stay on top of the details. So I have resolved that I will develop a job description that focuses on the detail work, and offer it to her with the explanation that this is what i need now, and if she can step up to the plate and make an effort to improve on her execution of the detail-oriented work, she can stay on in this new position. 3 month trial period, even though she is a long term employee in our organization. She might be offended or unenthusiastic and decide to leave, and that might actually be the best thing all around. Then I can go find someone who loves the detail stuff to really meet the need that I have now. And my current staff member can move on to a position that fits her better, which unfortunately I can’t offer her at the moment.

  2. Sara
    Sara says:

    It never occurred to me until this minute that all the random Internet reading I do might actually translate into a job like research maven. Need another one?

    • notamandaknox
      notamandaknox says:

      Me, too! I really want to be a “research maven” when I grow up. Except P lives in rural Wisco & I’d freeze to death there ….

  3. Deborah
    Deborah says:

    Although Aspergers is a complex condition, attributing Amanda Knox’s situation to it is a really glib assessment. Maybe she’s an Aspie, maybe not. Even if she IS, she may also be a sociopath. Aspergers doesn’t automatically insulate her from homicide, or manslaughter, or whatever the hell happened there. She still has a lot to account for.

    • mh
      mh says:

      Exactly what I thought when I was reading.

      OK, Asperger’s…Also, homicide.

      Asperger’s does not equal innocent, or even pardoned.

  4. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    I have Aspergers too and sometimes I think the only way I’ve been able to make it as far in life as I have is because I’ve always outsourced the parts of my life that I couldn’t handle. I either pay somebody to do for me what I can’t do for myself, ask for help, or figure out some kind of quid pro quo arrangement.

    I’m not exactly sure why, but I think this is against the rules….It’s like we are all in some kind of competition, and if you figure out a way to win without having to compete then you didn’t really earn your prize- You cheated.

    People don’t like other people circumventing barriers that would normally hold them back and keep them in their place.

  5. Emily
    Emily says:

    There’s a 4th thing that’s essential for delegating, especially to those of us who are part of Gen Y: Give feedback after the work is complete. It’s an easy thing to forget to do. The point of the feedback is

    1.) To acknowledge that the work is complete (this seems like a small thing, but people need to know if they’ve completed the task and in the age of the internet lots of work ends up being sent into what feels like a one-way black hole.)

    2.) Give criticism and/or praise on the quality of the work. This can just be really brief, e.g., “Great content, but this format is hard for me to read. Play with the layout next time.”

    3.) Explain the purpose of the completed task and how you’ll use it for your part of the job. This is essential in order for the person who was delegated to to get satisfaction out of the job they’ve completed, as well as to start having ideas for how they can improve their part of the task. When I started doing this for my researcher, her work improved and she started spontaneously creating things that made my job easier.

    • JFBB
      JFBB says:

      THIS. This whole post is everything I want to say to schmarmy (sp?) people from older generations who complain all the time about giving feedback to Gen Y / Millennials, thinking that it is all about feeding “self-esteem.” I don’t need an ego boost, I want to work better, more effectively and more intuitively. Denying me feedback comes off as a crabs-in-the-pot mentality and I have no patience for that.

    • mh
      mh says:

      your servants include, but are not limited to:

      probably automobile
      probably dishwasher
      probably vacuum cleaner
      running water
      flush toilets
      laundry machines
      take out from restaurants

      and on and on…

  6. Carrie
    Carrie says:

    Penelope I love you even more for saying that about the Witnesses. I am one and I’m sure you know how many lies circulate about us. Do you like working with JWs?

  7. Mary
    Mary says:

    I didn’t really learn much about how to delegate effectively, but your post made me think about how we always talk about how hard it is for people with Aspergers to function. Do you know how hard it is having to be part of a family where most everyone has Aspergers? Because you’re smart you probably do.

    As a non-Asperger person I have to constantly tell others what to do or not to do because their actions or inactions are inappropriate or come across as downright mean or self absorbed or narcissistic.

    But actually, my biggest complaint would be that because people with Aspergers act on internal clues, they have no idea what the person sitting across from them feels. My feelings usually aren’t validated because no one ever asks how I’m doing, or when I convey what I feel I get a blank stare or the conversation will go back to the Asperger person. Yes, that’s the hardest thing, that it’s really hard or impossible to have a true ‘interaction’ with an Asperger person.

    To you it might not even matter that there is no real interaction happening, but to non Aspergers interaction and sharing feelings is the essence of our life. Without that we die a slow death.

    Yes, so maybe the Asperger is no one’s fault, but every day I have to seek out and hang out with a non-Asperger person to connect back to my normal self and to have a real emotional interaction again so I don’t lose it.

    Having said all that (had to vent), I want you to know that I also appreciate your and other Aspergers’ point of view because it opens up a whole different world which I think is very valuable within this existing world. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t be reading your blog.

    But let me tell you, it’s not just really hard for you, it’s at least that hard for us too.

    • MBL
      MBL says:

      I just read this, after posting my suggestion below. Some of these things are addressed in the comments of that link.

      My daughter and husband are Aspies and I am not. I understand how hard things can be for you, especially if you don’t get out much, but, whenever I get exasperated with my husband (my daughter is much more mild) I just think about how much harder it is for him since he is usually outnumbered. One time we had a woman over for dinner and I can guaran-d@mn-ty she was as Aspie. I felt like SUCH an outsider/misfit. And I can only assume that they often feel that way. Again, who is odd is just an numbers game. My favorite line ever from Big Bang Theory is when Penny is in Sheldon and Leonard’s apartment with Howard and Raj. Penny comments on how odd they are and, without looking up, Sheldon says something like, “In here, you’re the odd one.”

      Mary, I understand that your family and situation may be very different from mine because we do all have “true interactions.” But sometimes it just looks a bit different, or requires a bit more explication or translation from NTspeak to ASPIEspeak and back.

      Have you noticed if your family members are drawn to other Aspies. I am astonished by how easy it is for my husband to have conversations with other Aspies. It is like he can let his guard down and not worry about being judged all of the time. I also think much of his fatigue from being at work or out and about is due to having to be hyper-aware of/constantly gauging the relevance of things that other people can filter much more easily.

      Again, I know how challenging it can be and I do so hope you are able to get what you need both within and outside of your family.

      Best wishes to you!!

      • mary
        mary says:

        Hi MBL thanks for your encouraging words.
        Yes, in my family I’m definitely the odd one lol!

        And yes, Aspies are definitely drawn to each other. My therapist (yes I’m the one seeing the therapist…) explained that’s because they’re generally very focused on themselves but ironically don’t take things very personally. So they’re a perfect match!

        The true interaction is lacking because they have a hard time empathizing. And even though they can seem like they actually do empathize, it may only be a good fake because they’re learning as they grow up that they have to act concerned, or say certain things they’ve learned should be said in certain situations. Of course, there are different levels of these things. But that’s what I’m seeing and feeling a lot and it’s pretty hard on me. But I’m trying to figure it out…

        Thanks, and best wishes to you too!

        • MBL
          MBL says:

          I hear ya’ on the therapist thing. For a while I went to an Aspie and gifted specialist since I needed a guide.

          Speaking just for myself and my experiences, I don’t buy the whole “no capacity for empathy” thing. I know there is the whole mirror neuron thing and I don’t purport to know diddly about that, but do know what I have experienced. My super power is the ability to spot sincerity and I know I have seen it in gratitude and empathy from my husband and, frequently, in my daughter. I understand that some people do feign empathy or just go through the motions. But when my daughter expresses gratitude or empathy, I know when she is sincere and when she isn’t. I know when she is apologizing just to end the conversation–because I can just tell. But also, invariably, she will apologize for real later and tell me that she wasn’t sincere earlier. I just know someday that “Aspie honesty” is going to cause her some grief!

          I remember being stopped cold while reading an “insider’s guide” written by someone with autism. He wrote something to the effect that, for all the emphasis NTs put on empathy, very few have true empathy for non-NTs. I don’t really know how to clarify the mixed feelings that I have about who owns the definition of the word.

          And I don’t really know how to classify (not that I need to) the fact that as my daughter and I were getting to the end of the unabridged audio version of Where the Red Fern Grows, we had to stop several times because she was flat out bawling on my lap. I was crying too, but she was heartbreaking. I kept asking if we needed to wait until later, but she sniffled no, and we carried on until the next brutal turn of events.

          I’m rambling here and I don’t know your situation, Mary, but I wonder if there is anyway you and your family members could connect more. I know it was huge when I stopped thinking things like “there is NO way he could not have foreseen how I would take that comment” and realized that yeah, there actually is a way. I had to think about he would hear something and make it as unambiguous as possible. Clearly, being direct and succinct is not my forte. ;) But it made a huge difference when I gave him the benefit of the doubt. My daughter is far more adept at nuance than her father, but that is probably a combination of the female presentation of Asperger’s and nurture.

          Have you read Look Me in the Eye, or anything by John Elder Robison? He is an excellent writer with an amazing viewpoint and many stories to tell.

          Again, best of luck!

    • dcline
      dcline says:

      This sounds very hard for you.
      It sounds like there are so many people on the spectrum in your family that they may not be learning how to smooth over relations with NTs. My advice to you is, don’t take on the roll of faux pas fixer for anyone who isn’t genuinely trying to learn this skill themselves. It may make your life worse in the short term, but in the long term it will encourage them to grow as people and keep you out of awkward situations.
      Also, you should definitely find other NTs to hand out with on a regular basis.

  8. MBL
    MBL says:

    The last link “identifying Asperger’s in women” is such an excellent link. I hope people will take the time to read the post and the comments.

  9. karelys
    karelys says:

    OMG! I’ve been saying over and over that her behavior is odd not because she’s evil but because she is probably awkward!

    That’s all I came here to say.

  10. karelys
    karelys says:

    Also, someone tell Jeniffer Senior to write an excerpt of her book. I have no time to read books because I gave up all my personal space to have a child. She should know that and make her information more accessible.

    • Anna
      Anna says:

      Put the book on the back of the potty. You can get through anything in 10-minute increments.

      (And, from a mother of three twenty-somethings, you have given up too much. Take some back.)

  11. Larry Hochman
    Larry Hochman says:

    Setting the autism spectrum stuff aside for a moment…simply making the choice to let go of micromanagement and delegating stuff, big and small really is aligning yourself with the success process. I finally made the choice to let Big Don plow my driveway this year…it saved time but also gave me a sense of renewed commitment to the other parts of my life. Great post!

  12. MBL
    MBL says:

    Regarding Amanda Knox, the Time article seems excellent. There are so many things that Asperger’s could explain. If she is a “people pleaser” just trying to give people what she thinks they want, the confession could be “if I give them what they want, then I can go home.” There are a ton of photos of her with kind of a “blank look.” My understanding is that often in photos, Aspies don’t know what expression to display, so they don’t just muster up a fake one. The “inappropriate” smiles could be attributed to the fact that she was happy that “justice was going to be served and she would be acquitted.” Lack of knowing how you are going to be perceived isn’t evidence of guilt. Or, while this may seem to contradict the “blank look” reasoning, it could be that, at times, she falls back on a “winning smile” when she doesn’t know how else to react. Given how very beautiful she is, she was probably always encouraged to smile and learned that that usually brought favorable results.

    I dunno. Interesting post.

    I suck at delegating. Trust issues…

  13. Sadya
    Sadya says:

    If only Amanda Knox had shed tears when they found her dead roommate, the trial would have wrapped much earlier.
    But there’s the ex-bf Rafelle Sollecito and then Rudy Guede who actually did confess to the murder. The case reflects more of a messed up Italian legal system. (Why dont they ask Guede what really happened.)

    The evidence put together has been inconclusive. But the truth is elusive. So we have people taking sides on whether Amanda Knox is a sociopath or maybe has Aspergers.

  14. Hasgül Temizlik
    Hasgül Temizlik says:

    I’d love to delegate to free up my time but I am super scared of delegating tasks, especially important tasks to others. Being an INTJ I expect perfection and most people can’t give me that, and I hate wasting time training people knowing I will fire them soon after for being incompetent. Any advice?

  15. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    I just laughed out loud at your comment on asking Jennifer Senior about how much she likes you on a scale of 1 to 10.

    That’s rare for me to do when I read something. Thank you!

    I also enjoyed your explanation for the use of “like”. Great post. I’ll check out those books and links.

    By the way, I did not enjoy Ms. Senior’s appearance on Colbert (or Stewart? I can’t remember). I think she was very nervous.

    I’d love to see a post from you about experiencing a totally embarrassing moment in public (emphasis on the last part) and how we all need to mentally move on quickly from that. I think I’ve learned to do so – for example, one time I fell on my elbows and shared a nice view of my underwear with a gentleman passing in a truck (who kindly stopped and asked if I was ok). Embarrassing, but I held my head high as I walked into the grocery store and (almost) chuckle at the memory.

  16. Scott Asai
    Scott Asai says:

    It’s also playing to your strengths which I’m a huge advocate for. Knowing what you need help in and being smart enough to ask is a good trait to have. We can only be great at a couple of things, everything hopefully can be delegated (if we can afford it).

  17. Biron
    Biron says:

    Point #2 is essential.

    A good manager shouldn’t be delegating the tasks he/she doesn’t feel like doing. A good manager delegates tasks that other team members are better equipped to handle.

    If a manager on a certain task or project is simply delegating the unpleasant tasks and keeping the easy and enjoyable tasks, this is a huge problem.

    Delegation is all about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your time, as well as each person’s available time, and then matching up people with tasks to get the most out of each person’s strength.

  18. Jean
    Jean says:

    I just had an annual review yesterday (I’m a case manager for foster children with four female supervisors during which I was told I am very smart but have issues with communication….that I double check things by asking others for more information when I should just follow my orders and ask clarifying questions instead (which is what I thought I was doing). I spent all last night trying to figure out why I don’t know how to ask questions without seeming insubordinate and can’t tell that something’s going to make someone uncomfortable until after I’ve said it (because I very rarely ever feel uncomfortable). Your post has made me reconsider why….

  19. Lyndap
    Lyndap says:

    Really enjoyed this. I even went back and read your other posts about delegating. Now if only I could find someone who could do the jobs I delegate as well as I could…oops there’s my perfectionism rearing it’s ugly head. Thanks for reminding me I’ m not all “that” and should delegate those jobs that I’m not that good at…and there are a few of them. Perhaps reminding myself that it’s a means to an end and might just save my sanity.

  20. freya
    freya says:

    Generally delegating tasks can mean that you are not liked by others, As managers you are going to upset your staff one way or another.

  21. mh
    mh says:



    I usually read the homeschool side of Penelope’s site, but what you just described:

    “I think this is against the rules….It’s like we are all in some kind of competition, and if you figure out a way to win without having to compete then you didn’t really earn your prize- You cheated.”

    … sums up how most people feel about homeschool. The advantages homeschooling gives to kids are what causes so many people to want to make it illegal.

    • Nicole
      Nicole says:

      The purpose of education is to level the playing field. That’s the rule. It’s okay if the system sucks, as long as it sucks for everybody equally. The entire education debate is really about doing what’s best vs. doing what’s fair, and you can’t have it both ways.

      It’s human nature to be offended by unfairness. Fairness is the foundation of human morality. It’s not the advantages kids get from being homeschooled that people want to make illegal per se…..It’s more about preventing people from undermining a system designed to impose some degree of fairness in a world where nothing is ever fair. That’s what people don’t like.

      This post was about delegating. I am a single parent with a full time job who also homeschools my twice exceptional child. I am able to do this because I have delegated the task of homeschooling to another person. I am always arguing with other parents who home school about whether or not what I do is really homeschooling or something else like, “Privately Educating”, “Tutoring”, or “paying a highly educated nanny to babysit my son while he plays ROBLOX all day.” To me the argument is ridiculous. My son is educated at home the same way their children are, the only difference is I pay somebody else to do the work instead of doing it myself. The end result is the same….but to them there is a difference; An important difference that they can’t or won’t articulate….Which is why I think I must be breaking a rule.

      Totally unrelated, but why is my showing up as “Harga Mobil Toyota?”


      • mh
        mh says:

        “The purpose of education is to level the playing field. ”

        Ah, silly me. I thought the purpose of education was… educating people.

  22. Alan
    Alan says:

    What the kids at McDonald’s don’t know is that managing (you call delegating) is hard. Choosing people and assigning tasks to them is hard. That’s why managers get paid more than lackeys. And, the more a manager manages, the more he gets paid.

    I should hire someone to hire people for me. You got anybody like that?

  23. Umar Saeed
    Umar Saeed says:

    Delegation of authority is a great way to motivate employees. Thanks for sharing valuable guidelines for delegating.

  24. Di
    Di says:

    So I’m wondering if Aspergers is becoming epidemic, like they say autism is? Or are we just more aware of it? If it is epidemic, why so? And why in women? My theory is all the additives in foods, but I say that’s the problem for everything.

  25. Kate
    Kate says:

    Maybe it’s just because my 1 year old has wanted to watch “ParaNorman” over and over again, but Amanda Knox is Agatha Penderghast in that movie (hanged as a child for being different). Not sure why I felt I should make that connection, but we all have kids an ParaNorman is a good movie. Add that to your “to do” list ;)

  26. Tony
    Tony says:

    I will be sharing this with all my clients! All too many business owners and executives spend way to much time on things that are less than productive uses of their time.
    Thank you for this post!

  27. Julia
    Julia says:

    “The purpose of education is to level the playing field. ”

    Ah, silly me. I thought the purpose of education was… educating people.

  28. Dale
    Dale says:

    I don’t know Italian law, but under US law, Amada was quilty. When I was on a grand jury, we indicted men under similar circumstances. They did not intervene while the murder was taking place, or report it to the police afterward. (Agreed, that Amanda could not have effectively intervend, but that the legal rule; the two guys probably could have).

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