What generation are you part of, really? Take this test.

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If you want to know how old you really are, look at the media you use rather than the generation you were born into.

Generational labels are important in the discussion of the changing workforce. For example, we need to understand who is pushing for change and who is criticizing change in order to understand how to create workplace bridges. And increasingly, young people are calling for baby boomers to get out of the way.

However I get a lot of email from people at the later end of the baby boom who do not identify with baby boomers. To some extent researchers have dealt with this issue by categorizing the latter section of the baby boom separately, as Generation Jones (born between 1954 and 1965). This category will make some people feel better, but there still will be baby boomers who are indignant at being lumped with the delusional, self-centered, money-hungry baby boomers.

But hold it. Maybe you are not really part of the generation your birthday falls under.

Here’s an idea: We should determine our generation not by our age but by how we use media. This comes from Margaret Weigel, who has worked at Harvard and MIT doing research on digital media engagement:* “We should not judge people rigidly by the years they were born,” she says, “If we want to define people by categories, it should be by behaviors because this is something each of us chooses.”

Another reason to use media engagement to peg someone’s age is that the media we use reflects both the space we live in and the circle of friends we run with. For example, you probably won’t find the Wii at a senior center, and you do what your friends do or you’re out of the loop.

So here is a test I put together with the help of an interview with Weigel and an evening reading her blog. Add up your points to figure out what generation you’re really a part of:

Do you have your own web page? (1 point)

Have you made a web page for someone else? (2 points)

Do you IM your friends? (1 point)

Do you text your friends? (2 points)

Do you watch videos on YouTube? (1 point)

Do you remix video files from the Internet? (2 points)

Have you paid for and downloaded music from the Internet? (1 point)

Do you know where to download free (illegal) music from the Internet? (2 points)

Do you blog for professional reasons? (1 point)

Do you blog as a way to keep an online diary? (2 points)

Have you visited MySpace at least five times? (1 point)

Do you communicate with friends on Facebook? (2 points)

Do you use email to communicate with your parents? (1 point)

Did you text to communicate with your parents? (2 points)

Do you take photos with your phone? (1 point)

Do you share your photos from your phone with your friends? (2 points)

0-1 point – Baby Boomer

2-6 points – Generation Jones

6- 12 points – Generation X

12 or over – Generation Y

(Note: This post contains the views of Weigel and not necessarily those of Harvard and MIT.)

382 replies
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  1. Beyond Niche Marketing
    Beyond Niche Marketing says:

    Great post! I’m 45 but scored a 19.

    I didn’t give myself 2 points for texting my parents even though I did send my mother her very first text message. We were in the mall and had gotten separated. She was thrilled but I don’t dare tax her like that again! (She’s 71.)

  2. historical ken
    historical ken says:

    I’m 47 and the test has me right square where I should be – in the Jones generation.
    Good test.

  3. John Larkin
    John Larkin says:

    Well, not bad for an old fart at 50. Score of 12. Born 080858. SHould be a baby boomer yet there I am on the cusp between Gen x and y. Think the kids I teach keep me young and keep me hip. :P
    Cheers, John.

  4. JenX67
    JenX67 says:

    Also – I have a loosely contrived theory that if you do not know for certain if you are a Baby Boomer, A Gen Xer or a Millienial (Gen Y) then you are in fact a member of Generation X. Baby Boomers and Gen Y know exactly who they are. Thus, one more reason GenX is referred to as the lost generation. I don’t really buy into Generation Jones. Gen X is already not cohesive enough and what Generation spans seven or so years?

  5. Margo
    Margo says:

    I’m an old soul – I’m firmly in the Y camp by age but an X’er by tech usage habits. I got over the internet popularity contest thing when I was in college, and consciously opt-out of MySpace and Facebook.

    I am frustrated by the number of people in my age-cohort who are hitting their mid-20s and still behave like preteens.

    Until the social networking sites build a better mousetrap – letting me rank the strength of connections, and set up a layered rules-based approach to content control, I can’t risk my career future by creating one page wherein my boss can connect to people with whom I maintain a casual connection. Only serious friends should get to see my business connections, and no work relations should see any of my social world.

    To Dyan – I laughed aloud at your comment. I suppose that’s why my VP was stunned on my birthday to find out I was just 26. I’m a full decade younger than everyone else in my weekly meetings, and yet my voice carries weight and things get done. He’d assumed I was in my early 30s.

  6. Brad
    Brad says:

    Lol very funny post. Very interesting discussion. I am 26 years old and I scored over 12.. I guess that places me in Generation Y! I like your ranking algorithm.

  7. Jim Annunities
    Jim Annunities says:

    I have my own web page, I IM and text friends, made my brother 2 websites, watch youtube, download music for free of course. Oh boy I’m definitely a Y generation lol. I am going to recommend this test to my friends.

  8. random
    random says:

    I am part of generation y i think. i scored 0-1 point because of this. Do you watch videos on YouTube? (1 point)
    I only recently started to watch and i only knew this video website existed 2 years ago.
    it means i have 0-1 point – Baby Boomer.

    • random
      random says:

      i dont have a mobile phone, dont know how to make a web page, use im,text people,buy things from the internet, download music for me,blog,actually use myspace or know how,email or text parents, take photos with a phone or share my photos,have facebook,digg or those other sites. going to delete everything.

  9. marci
    marci says:

    I scored like 22. Safe to say I’m Gen Y. I’m happy with that. I like the future our generation is paving. Thanks for the quick test.

  10. Morgan
    Morgan says:

    I love the post, but would have to disagree with you on the Wii’s: here in South Dakota they are in many senior centers and nursing homes to help keep people active when they have limited mobility. Many of these places even have their own bowling leagues!

  11. Martha Williams Jordan
    Martha Williams Jordan says:

    I think you have some inaccurate information and a number of stereotypes.

    I know several nursing homes and rehab centers that use Wii to help rehab residents and help improve their mobility. You also assume that technology is only used by the younger generations. I have to say that my older brother (15 years older than me) actually teaches me how to use the technology and broadens my horizons.

    There are also economic issues in what you talk about. I know some teens who financially can’t download because of the costs or have phones with cameras and does that make them old just because financially they can’t afford to do that?

  12. lorebrarian
    lorebrarian says:

    14 points & born in 1955.
    Maybe we’re the new sleeper group.
    Generation Z (where all the cultural stigmas breakdown and it’s about experience not age; about self-directed learning rather than rote; about labels we aren’t satisfied to live inside.

  13. Sara
    Sara says:

    First – Penelope, I just saw you speak at the ABA Marketing Conference, and you were terrific. When I first saw the description of the session, I though, “Oh no, not more of the same.” It was insightful, a great update to “more of the same.”
    Second, I took the quiz. I’m 51 and scored a 14! Maybe this will up my “coolness” with my 16-year-olds!!

  14. Owen Richard Kindig
    Owen Richard Kindig says:

    I got a 17. I think maybe doing college admissions videos, which require me to interview kids at midnight, listen to fresh music and test my visual storytelling ideas with panels of 17-year-olds has made me think young. Or maybe it’s that I’m moving to Seattle and learning how to use SM to get noticed. Whatever the reason, you’ve proven I’m a boomer who doesn’t think, act, or look like one!

  15. Dom
    Dom says:

    Damn it! According to both birthday and this, I’m generation Y. I would be fine with that, if it weren’t for the stereotype placed on gen Y. For the record, I’m not a myspacing annoying brat who talks too loud on the phone and with a blatant disregard for everyone else on the planet.

    Okay. I’m done.

  16. Ged
    Ged says:

    Teri, I think I can top that – only 12 so also Gen X… but then, I am 62! I first used a computer (well, word processor then in, I think about the early 80s. And I remember very well that when I was beginning my MBA, round about 1994, one my lecturers praised an assignment of mine by saying “Ged’s assignment is excellent and she’s used the Internet for research!” Hey – great new idea!

    Photos from your mobile though – yuk! Mind you, I never even learnt to use a box brownie. What’s wrong with, um, just seeing and remembering …?

  17. Investments
    Investments says:

    I am generation X. I guess not sharing phone photos with friends is a big one worth two points. I take photographs but never share them….oh well. I take the photos and keep them for my self.

  18. David
    David says:

    My score says I’m a Generation Y in a Generation Jones body. Too bad I can’t see that when I look in the mirror! Of course other factors help define your “age” — like attitude, entrepreneurial spirit, religion, etc. You could find a 20 year old Amish kid who scores 0 on this quiz.

  19. pj
    pj says:

    I’m generation X. (Whatever that is.) and I’m 55. Your age should stop you from enjoying whatever you like and whatever is useful…

  20. Angelo
    Angelo says:

    I scored 12points. Again I’m either X or Y. I share photos from my cell with my family more likely than friends puit I put yes for those questions. is this helps. You know what would help: If you put Generation Z questions and I bet I could get points off of those.

  21. Angelo
    Angelo says:

    I took the test again and scored 13. So I’m GenY this time. My first score was 12 x/y. My favorite music is the 1980’s heavy metal.

  22. eliane
    eliane says:

    what a fantastic post and what an interesting test! i was surprised to find out that i am a Generation Y person! i loved your text, comments and think you make a lot of sense!

  23. Charles brooks
    Charles brooks says:

    Often we forget the little guy, the SMB, in our discussions of the comings and goings of the Internet marketing industry. Sure there are times like this when a report surfaces talking about their issues and concerns but, for the most part, we like to talk about big brands and how they do the Internet marketing thing well or not so well.

  24. dylan
    dylan says:

    Generation Jones and am 17 i got five becose i only downloud music and use youtube or as i call it narristtub oh and a use narristbook as well

  25. Hossein
    Hossein says:

    I scored 16, and I’m apparently a Gen Y’er now.
    After all that Gen X (born 1975) pride I expended for years. Damn.

  26. Shardonnae
    Shardonnae says:

    I believe this test was ok on media perspective and opened my eyes on how much I use it.

    Do I believe I fit in Generation Y? No.

    But what I do find sad is how Generation Y is described, is what I see everywhere in the college hallways. Where once the hallways were a place to ahng out and be social….now everybody hangs by themselves and stares at a cellphone screen.

    Not to mention that our females have lost sight of what made us WO-men. We seemed to have lost our little game of chase, and just give men freely what they want, and watch them leave us without a care.

    Because of this, Generation Z is suffering, and you can clearly see it, with the drugs rampant in high school, 1’st grade students cussing out teachers, and 9 yr old girls getting pregnant.

    America is turning quickly into a mud-hole, but you can escape it at least, for yourself.


    Choose Jesus.

  27. jessie
    jessie says:

    I got 11 points and always believed that I fit in more with gen-x people, not generation y. I think the article is right; it shouldn’t be about what year you were born but how your personality/behavior is with society.

  28. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    I am labeled Gen X due to my birth year, but scored Gen Y. This quiz brings up an interesting discussion. I am presenting the topic in a class and will be educating on teaching strategies for each generation. After taking the quiz, I know I should specify that it is also important to know that just because you were born in the year of your generation cohort, some students may very well be in another cohort. Can I use this quiz in my class?

  29. Free MLM Training
    Free MLM Training says:

    There is more to what generation you are a part of than how much technology you use. I think it has alot to do with your personality and the way people see the world.


  30. Games
    Games says:

    My Score: 17
    so I’m generation Y. well, I’m multi-generational. I remember being part of generation X when listened to Nirvana :)

  31. Lisha Sterling
    Lisha Sterling says:

    Well, the one problem with this is that anyone who WORKS in any kind of “new media” will skew towards gen Y here. I’m a software developer by day and so are many of my friends. We all scored Gen Y-ish on this scale, even though our birthdays range from the 60’s to the 80’s. I got 20 points and I was born in ’72.

  32. Hossein
    Hossein says:

    This list is way too biased towards contemporary media functions typical of “generation y”. It fails to take into account how many people actually depend on this, aside from “Gen Y’ers” (1982-2001) and that many people typically part of Generation X and the Baby Boom generation may be dependent on these too. After all, computer technology was developed originally by these two generations roughly speaking, and were first used by them. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers got used to this technology

  33. Dan
    Dan says:


    I was born in 1982, yet according to this test I’m a member of “Generation Jones” This test is too social network oriented to be worth anything.

    As an aside, I think that 1982 is more Gen-X than “Millenial.” IMO, anyone who can remember the Challenger explosion is too old to be considered a Millenial.

  34. Jonha
    Jonha says:

    Hi Penelope,

    First I need to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving some trails. I almost laughed when I scored 14 and realized that Generation Y was linked to Brazen Careerist, haha. I sure love it.

    I don’t text often but I check my Facebook almost every hour. Okay, almost every minute. haha


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