Most career questions are actually identity questions. It seems like maybe we need to know which job to take, or which boss is better, or which line to delete on our resume. But really, we need to know who we are. I learn the most about identity when I’m lost and I have to make […]

I’ll be at the SXSW conference this weekend, in Austin. I’m hoping I’ll get to meet a bunch of you when I’m there. I’m doing a book reading at 3pm on Sunday. Well, officially a book reading. It’ll probably be more like a conversation. I hope I see you there!

So, I guess I took a week off from my blog in order to launch my company. It wasn’t planned that way, believe me. Every day I told myself that I’d blog the next day. Surely many of you know this feeling. The feeling of having been lied to. By yourself. When I am sucking […]

It’s the big moment where I tell you to go check out It’s the first stage of our company, and it’s a network of fifty young bloggers who I love, all blogging about their professional interests. This would be a great time to tell you the grand story of the birth of my grand […]

Two days ago, I called my friend to cut a deal. I needed to make a partnership fast, and we have been doing business together for years. I knew she could push something through her company that would make me look good. We ended up spending an hour on the phone, and she mentioned she […]

Men are hard-wired to think they are funny. They use it as a courtship technique. A study by Eric Brassler at McMaster University finds that women rate men as more attractive if they make more jokes. And men are somehow aware of this, because they are more likely to make jokes if women are around. […]

That’s right. Me on CNN today. On the show Open House. I know that often times I have posted about me being on TV have not been moments of genius. Like, me mispronouncing Kucinich’s name. Or me not knowing how to put makeup on for TV. So I haven’t said anything about TV for a […]

My husband and I are getting a divorce. It’s really hard to write this for a lot of reasons, but the one that comes to mind this moment is that it’s so crappy to be in the middle of a divorce when I make a living telling people how to run their lives. Fortunately I […]

Here’s how you figure out what to do next in your career: you line up all the stuff you like to do and you figure out which one will pay best. Don’t complain to me that I’m too focused on money. Really. Just do the exercise. The ones who are complaining the most right now, […]

Do you want to know how to tell if you have a business idea that will succeed? You know what? I don’t know how you know that. And if I did, I’d be a venture capitalist, right? But I do know how you can tell if you have a business idea that is worth reorganizing […]