Consistency is an important part of any career. It's not just doing good work all the time. It goes beyond what quality your work is to what quality of person you are. Being consistent is letting people know they can rely on you, and it's following through on what you say you'll do because that's […]
This is a guest post from Jamie Varon. She’s 23 years old. Her blog is called intersected. Not too long ago, I started a new job, in which I moved my self from point A (college town) to point B (Bay Area). This was supposed to be my career launch. It took me about two […]
People always ask me when they can hear me speak. Most of the time the events are closed to the public. Like, the American Bankers Association, or the Public Relations Society of America. But this coming month I happen to be speaking at a lot of places that you can get tickets to. So, here's […]
I told this guy who wrote to me that I do not remember ever actually meeting him, even though he says we had a great conversation. He wrote back. He was relentless, so I asked him to tell me a bit about himself. He wrote, among other things, “I'm the guy you want to date.” […]
Let’s say you get fired, or laid off, or you quit because after two weeks you know you’re at the worst company on the planet. In all of those cases, you will face the interview question: What happened at your last job? Here’s the answer you should always give: “I left to do x.” And […]
Brian Wiegand is a very low-profile guy who has sold three companies, most recently to Microsoft. He is big enough that TechCrunch writes about him as a good bet for anyone betting. But the bane of Brian's existence is that his exits have all been for under $50 million. This is enough for him to […]
I do a lot of interviews. At least two or three a week — ranging from CNN to local newspapers. And no matter where the interview is running, there are some things you need to know about doing a good one: 1. Be interesting. The questions people ask you are not really what they want […]
We finally locked up funding for my company. There are some catches, though, and one of them is that we can't use the funding to pay back debt. This is a problem because our company has been out of money, pretty much, since November. We have revenue, but not enough to cover operating expenses. So […]
I love RealSelf. It’s a site that educates women about choices for looking younger. I have written a lot about how anti-aging information is essential for managing one’s career. Aging is not equal in the workplace. Women are penalized much more heavily than men. So women can gain power in the world through knowledge of […]
As the recession persists, we can watch social shifts and cultural trends. Some are good, some are bad. But in either case, one way to control how the recession affects you is to watch the larger trends and decide where you want to fit. Here are five trends that are emerging in the face of […]