Of all the Google searches that end up at my blog, the most common is some version of, “How do I tell my boss that I’m quitting.” This seems to be a frequent topic at a lot of career sites; quitting well is a big issue. A lot of the problems around quitting come from […]
You can judge someone’s personality by what his or her work space looks like. Take Tara Hirshfeld, for example. She’s set up her office on a picnic table. She has the laptop, the headset, even the office-type snacks. But there are leaves falling and cars honking. Intuitively, you know she’s not an accountant-type. And you […]
Here’s a collection of interesting ideas from people who are talking about the value of business school: 1. Business school is not an effective means to self-discovery. Most business school applications require that you tell what you’re going to do with the MBA. This is because most business schools think it is a waste to […]
Scott Newberg flew into Logan airport in the middle of the night. He went straight home to his office, and in the dark room the blue light of his computer glared — a screen full of unfinished work that piled up while he was gone. He sat down at the keyboard, and that's when he […]
I hate to dis Catalyst because they have provided great research to support women in the work place. But here’s a bit from their most recent study: “Most large U.S. companies have made scant progress in advancing women…to leadership and top-paying positions over the past decade.” DUH!!!! It’s clear at this point that women are […]
The mood you come to work with sets the mood for your workday. This is the conclusion of a study by Wharton professor Nancy Rothbard. (Shout out to Wendy for sending this link to me.) This study is a rallying cry for personal responsibility. Rothbard challenges you to stop blaming your boss or your co-workers […]
The way you talk about yourself is very powerful. Whether or not you are conscious of it, the way you tell stories of your life frames how people see you, and how you see yourself. So you may as well do this consciously, and also be conscious that people get the most tripped up in […]
The odds are that you will probably consider self-employment at some point: Eighty-nine percent of people in the United States who make more than $50,000 a year are self-employed, according to Entrepreneur magazine. As with all decision points, the way to make the best choice is to know yourself. If you get bored easily, do […]
If I had a dollar for every time I checked the traffic on my blog, I would have a decent income from this thing. The software I’m using is Performancing Metrics, and I adore all the ways it can slice and dice my numbers. Last week I had uneven traffic, and my overblown analysis of […]
The current issue of Psychology Today asks: Are you too sexy for your job? This article has good information about managing your image. Here are the nuggets I liked best: 1. Wear short, low-maintenance hair. “Both sexes perceive women with long, straight, blond hair as being sexy and those who have short, highlighted hair as […]