We all know that people judge each other in the first five seconds they see each other. We talk about clothes, and weight , and tone of voice. But you can also judge someone by their walk. Don't tell me this is shallow. You can't help but judge people by their gait. But the good […]
Ryan calls me from the office. I say, “Don’t talk to me now. I’m sulking.” He says, “Okay. What are we doing about the five-year sales projections?” I say, “I told you. I need ten minutes.” “Nothing is going to change in ten minutes,” “In ten minutes I'll be more pleasant on the phone.” “Okay.” […]
It's a big day, and I'm excited to take a pause from work with the rest of the country to watch Barack Obama give his inagural speech. In the meantime, I'm thinking about the day of service. How Obama wants the country to come together in the name of service. And I heard MTV declare, […]
Most of us set goals for ourselves to do things that are difficult for us to do. Instead, how about setting goals to work hard at something that is actually a pleasure? It’s clear that the deep, fulfilling experiences in life are when we are very focused at what we really enjoy doing. So goals […]
There is no other way to figure out where you belong than to make time to do it and give yourself space to fail, give yourself time to be lost. If you think you have to get it right the first time, you won’t have the space really to investigate, and you’ll convince yourself that […]
There's a huge market for telling women how to be happier. Maybe it's because women read more than men. Or maybe it's the discrepancy that women know when they are overweight and men don't. Or the discrepancy that most men think they are good parents and most women think they need to be better parents. […]
I have hated Tim Ferriss for a long time. I have hated him since we both had editors at Crown Publishing who sat next to each other and I heard how difficult he is. I didn’t blog about it because first of all, I’m sure the buzz about me is that I’m difficult, too. And […]
It is well known in the sex research arena that the more educated a woman is the more often she will receive oral sex. I have always wondered if this is true for salary as well. For example, if your salary goes up by $50,000, how much more likely are you to receive oral sex? […]
My company is out of money, which you are never supposed let happen. And definitely never supposed to confess to. Because then investors can give you any terms they want. Rape. Carnage. Pillage. Everything. And in our case, it’s coming from the angels who invested in our first round of funding, which means that the […]
One of the reasons my column runs in more than 200 newspapers is that I send out one blog post a week to about 1000 editors. I have to do the list manually because, big surprise, most editors at most papers do not subscribe to blogs. Today I was besieged by out of the office […]