It turns out that young people are poised to significantly increase workplace productivity. But, before we get to that link, here are links to help us redefine age and rethink what engagement looks like at work. 1. Recompute your age Here’s a new way to think about which generation you are part of: How many […]
Knowledge workers can spend about 40% of their day on email, not just reading and replying, but also searching for an email they want to reference. So it makes sense that we are always looking for ideas to make dealing with email faster. Here’s one: Get a coach. The three biggest problems with email are: […]
Today’s the big day that I announce my book. It’s not out yet. Not until May 22. But today is the day I put the photo of the book cover on the blog and tell you that you should pre-order the book. Yes. Please do that. But what I’m really going to do today is […]
By Bruce Tulgan — We know that writing stuff down helps us remember. But we don’t do it all the times that we should. Here are the ideas that will cause you to write down more, and writing down more will help you do a better job. [MEDIA=5] (requires the Flash 9 Player) iPod Video […]
Emotional intelligence. This is how you will differentiate yourself at work in the new millennieum. We can see the world shifting around us in response to the fact that tolerance for poor social skills is getting less and less. The need to fit in with a group on some level, is getting higher and higher, […]
By Jason Warner — There has been a lot of press regarding the implications for job seeker of Those Photos on MySpace, Facebook and other social networking sites. You know the pictures I’m referring to… Most of the discussions I’ve heard on the topic are cautionary, as in, “Beware! What you post or say on […]
Today Jason Warner starts guest-blogging on Brazen Careerist as Google Guy. I met Jason when he was the head of North American Recruiting for Starbucks, and he launched a blog Then I followed his switch from Starbucks to Google and we’ve been friends ever since. I’m really excited that he’s blogging here because I […]
In this age of transparency and authenticity it seems absurd to not tell you my real name. My real name is not Penelope Trunk. Well, in fact, it is Penelope Trunk. Sort of. At any rate, my name is definitely a lesson in personal branding. My name started out Adrienne Roston. It’s fun to write […]
The old paths through adult life don’t work anymore. Graduate school is no longer a ticket to a stable career, and in some cases, it’s not even a ticket to a job. Student debt weighs so heavy today that people should not expect to have what their parents have. Technology opens up many types of […]
Today is the first of a weekly event where someone gets free coaching. The coaches will be different each week, and they will address a variety of aspects of work and life. I’m calling this feature Coachology because I think we all are going to learn a lot about the wide range of coaching that […]