I was checking out the information about the upcoming conference Office 2.0. I wanted to get a sense of what the future workplace would look like. There’s not much information there, but I got a bit from the list of speakers: 1. There are two links next to every speaker name: blog, and profile. If […]
Are you worried that you have no idea what you’re doing with your life? A lot of how you feel about yourself stems from how you look at the world. For example, instead of worrying that you are not on a track, consider that the tracks are not viable. It’s a hard mental shift that […]
Here’s some career advice I’m sick of reading: “Don’t have typos in your resume.” If you need to read that advice to know you shouldn’t have typos in your resume then you are unemployable. My friend Ben pointed out that when Colin Powell resigned, he typed his own letter at his home computer to keep […]
At some point in their work life most people start wondering about the bigger questions: How can you support yourself with enjoyable work and still make the world a better place? I have had discussions about this topic with my husband. He was working at a grassroots agency that struggles to save people from poverty […]
While everyone was watching for the telecommuting trend to explode, something else exploded right next to it: The virtual company. The business with no office to telecommute from. These companies give new opportunities to entrepreneurs to get started with no money down. But a virtual business also gives people the opportunity to create the personal […]
Learn about nice from Paris Hilton We all know that networking is the way to build a career. It’s the how-to that’s so difficult. Today, most of the advice about networking says: Be nice, and people will be nice back. And, building a network helps a career because you can ask for a favor when […]
This is a piece I wrote for the new leadership section at Forbes.com. Of course a good education and talent are keys to building a successful career, but for most people, school is over and the parameters of their talent were set on the day they were born. So what can you do now to […]
It’s hard to find a list of large, stable companies with good perks that will let you tour with your rock band once a month. So here is a very useful list with a very bad title: 100 best companies for working moms. For one thing, the title is insulting to dads. But also, these […]
What’s the problem with most managers? They are so involved in getting their own tasks done that they fail to manage. Bruce Tulgan writes that undermanagement is an epidemic, and Adecco reports that half of American workers think their managers don’t take performance reviews seriously. Continue this behavior at your own risk. The Financial Times […]
Jenn Satterwhite has been ranting in my comments section, which has made me very happy. She is bringing up difficult issues and she is making me nervous about posting responses. This seems good. One thing Jenn brought up is that she wishes women would stop arguing among each other about the stay-at-home vs. career issues. […]