Today people talk very loudly about how they want a job that lets them have a life outside of work. That’s smart, of course, because there’s a long list of scientifically proven benefits to your health and happiness that friendship brings. And this includes the findings of Gallup pollster Tim Rath that you are almost […]

By Jason Warner — One of my direct reports told me I’m wearing VP shoes. Apparently, my Eccos are the most popular shoe brand among vice presidents at Google. It’s not surprising that I dress like a VP. Because dressing like what you want to become is an important part of an overall career strategy. […]

I tell people all the time to change their job if they don’t like it, and people tell me this is totally impractical advice. A lot of people write to me to say that my advice only applies to rich people. Or they tell me that single parents, families living paycheck to paycheck, people in […]

Does this courtship sound familiar to you? “We used Instant messenger a lot. But sometimes you just want to get away from your computer, so then we’d text. But fighting while you text is so tedious you may as well just get back on IM.” This description is from Sandra Proulx, who maintained a long-distance […]

The transition from the end of school to the beginning of adulthood is very hard. Today that transition lasts longer than it used to, because there are so many choices and so few tried and true career paths — if any — that work anymore. Here are five things to keep in mind to make […]

A good way to think about the process of getting a job is that a resume gets you in the door, and an interview is where you close the deal. Here are nine ways to ace an interview and get the job: 1. Tell good stories. When someone says, “Tell me about yourself,” they don’t […]

A lot of readers ask me how to find a recruiter to help them find a job. In general, my answer is: Forget it. Headhunters don’t work for people who need jobs. Headhunters work for people who have jobs to fill. The way this works is the hiring manager has a specific type of person […]

By Bruce Tulgan — Sometimes people who make insane demands are actually giving you the clues to getting better work out of your team. [MEDIA=4] (requires the Flash 9 Player) iPod Video – Download

Who makes the best salesperson? A cheerleader. The drug industry is so systematic about recruiting cheerleaders that the New York Times writer Stephanie Saul wrote a feature about it, spotlighting women like Onya: “On Sundays she works the sidelines for the Washington Redskins. But weekdays find her urging gynecologists to prescribe a treatment for vaginal […]

By Jason Warner — I’ve been interviewing people for a very long time. Sometimes I think maybe too long. You have to go back to my very first recruiting job at Microsoft to understand. This was when Microsoft was The Place to Work in the Technology World, circa the mid 1990s. In this well-defined and […]