In case you ever doubted how incredible the comments section of this blog is, Melissa found out her boyfriend was cheating on her from reading the comments section. Here. And then she did what most people do when they discover their partner is cheating: Attempted to live in denial.
This course includes four days of video sessions and email-based course materials. We’ll meet four days in a row, Nov. 15 – Nov. 18, at 8pm Eastern. The cost of the course is $195. Sign up now! When I first started this post, I wasn’t going to launch another course. I wondered if it was OK to […]
I typed that into the search box tonight. Google must have someone making this page of results very valuable. It’s the most clear-cut, useful results page I’ve ever seen.
Maybe I actually do like working from home but I’m not liking it now because I’m not home. And I’m not working.
I am in the car with the Ex and the kids. The Ex plays a Yeastie Girls CD, which was probably mine but he wanted it in the divorce. It’s a live concert and in the middle they start giving away speculums to promote women’s health.
Summertime is when all the music teachers and students disperse to various music camps, institutes, and conferences. The music teaching world is very local. The summer music world is location-independent.
We are driving to cello lessons in Madison. Maybe you realize that just last week I wrote about about driving to cello lessons in Madison. Maybe my drives to Madison will be like Monet’s cathedrals: I’ll just keep popping them out, each written from a different angle, and you will learn to see the nuances […]
This course will help you create the relationship you want. This course includes four days of on-demand video sessions and email-based course materials. You can purchase this course for anytime, on-demand access. The cost is $195. Sign up now. Of all the ways personality type has helped me in my life, getting along with my significant […]
My husband and I are driving to cello lessons in Madison, because my son is going to a new teacher, Uri Vardi. Usually Carla would drive, because I don’t drive, and if my husband drives all the time then he will, effectively, be my driver. So I can either pay a lot of money for a […]
Make a list of five things you want to do that you’re not doing. Now cross out all but one. Everyone can make change in our lives, but not that much change. And you’re not making the change you really want because you haven’t realized that you can’t do everything on your list.