Bruce Tulgan runs through 8 things in 2 minutes — tactics that will make you feel confident and effective as a manager. [MEDIA=7] (requires the Flash 9 Player) iPod Video – Download

Barack Obama is dissing the baby boomers. But he’s doing it tactfully. So he’s got a wide range of people talking about generational issues in politics, and I’m eagerly anticipating spillover into the workplace, which also needs this frank discussion. One of the companies I founded was an online marketplace for city governments. My business […]

It used to be your workplace identity was tied to your company. “An IBM man” is a phrase that comes to mind. Companies kept track of best practices, hot management ideas, and recent innovations in the business world. Today our identity is separate from our company. We manage ourselves with the care that used to […]

Ta-da! It’s my new blog design. This is a big moment for me because when I started blogging, I never dreamed that it would matter so much to me that I would actually pay to have a custom blog design. There is an important lesson here about starting something new. Many people who have successful […]

I just want to tell you about these links. Each of them made me really happy to find. Maybe one, or all four, will make you happy: 1. How to ruin your image with your signature file. This is a great post about the stupid fonts people use in their signature file and what those […]

At a point when I didn’t have the money to hire an assistant, I ran an ad for an unpaid intern. I ran it on a lark, thinking I’d be lucky if anyone in the world would want to work for free. The number of responses I received was incredible, not just in quantity, but […]

Between the ages of 20 and 30, most people have more than 8 jobs. This is a positive thing for a number of reasons. First of all, Daniel Gilbert, psychologist at Harvard, says that we really don’t know what we’ll like until we try it. So having a lot of jobs when you start your […]

Bruce Tulgan is back. Here he talks about what to ask for and what to give when recognition is deserved and the coffers are empty. [MEDIA=8] (requires the Flash 9 Player) iPod Video – Download

One of the most dangerous ideas in the workplace today is that racism is gone. Because it’s not. Jesse Rothstein, professor of economics at Princeton University, shows the prevalance of racist thinking, even today. “Some people think racial discrimination is something that ended in 1972 or something. Some people think that segregation persists because minorities […]

When I was younger and traveled more for business, I got hit on by just about every man I traveled with. This is not uncommon among women I know. Of course, most times it’s not that bad. The guy usually looks a little silly, and the next day the girl usually feels a little more […]