28 replies
  1. Penelope Trunk
    Penelope Trunk says:

    Penelope, Im co-founder of hedge fund. Our results are above average, but we face increasing dificulties in raising money. Other hedge funds, with results that are much worse, are shows by the media as the next Warren Buffet. They manage at least 10 times more resoures that we do. How can I do that? The results are very good, but there isn’t that “aura” of genious around us. How can I do that?

    • Jennifer
      Jennifer says:

      I was reading post from 2007. On how 20 somthings can just chil with there ma da. That don’t make a loser. Well I disagree they need to find the “real world” best they do it while ma da still on earth. Nothing comes good from taking ur girl to nasty motel for sex like a hooker instead of marring her. You need to get a clue 20 somethings waste time that they could use for old age. 40 comes real quick And then they are poweless people who think they know better.please stop telling grown kids its ok to stay back from growing up. Most woman(what we are after 21)dont want a man who loves his mommy more then her when she gives him her body. You make no sence.wait till i am grown for sex. what horney at 16 horney in my 20’s we all are. Ya treat woman as they should marry that girl work on future together so we have good life when were old.makes way more sence then ur cold idea of a YOUNG ADULT.not to mention the ma da who have been waiting to see there kids act like adults.” job done Thank God. Now i can DO what I have been wanting to do.my kids take care of them self. I am so proud and my baby is a man.” NOW you may think i am old but i am living it 37yrs old.stuck in world men dont care about my future just my panties.

    • Dorothy
      Dorothy says:

      Hi. I totally signed up to linden (whatever it’s called) because of you homeschool/ breastfeedin article. Although I thought those should haven’t been one article. But yet,separate from the other. I have breastfed my 3 children to 2 yrs. I love it but, it almost did not happen, I have inverted nipples. You can not tell. They look like any other nipple but my babies could not latch on, my mother was an RN, knew I needed a nipple shield to breast feed. Needless to say I would not have been able to breast feed without that knowledg.. as far as homeschooling…. It isn’t great for scocial skills. Growing up I was homeschool from 4th grade on. To watch/ raise my autistic sister while my R.N. mother went on in her schooling to become a Doctoret of Law… my last English and math books ( my mother only thought those were important) we’re 6th grade. I am an awkward person I don’t think homeschool is for everyone…… I did see a person comment they were upset about a post you did about younge people waiting for sex. Yes! How could anyone think otherwise? Thank you for the interesting posts!

  2. Melissa Chinchilla
    Melissa Chinchilla says:

    I just read the latest post and loved it. I’m treating myself to a birthday present and signing up for the seminar. I’m an idea person and love messes because I see possibilities in everything. For some reason when it’s messy I can really see the possible opportunity that comes out of the mess. It drives people insane when I don’t panic or worry. The only confusion I have is I’m a ENFP and many qualities you just described I can relate to but are these characteristics normal for a ENTJ?
    I can’t wait to take the seminar. Cheers!

  3. Dave
    Dave says:

    Hi Penelope,
    I’ve been reading you since your opinions were actually printed on real paper! Keep up the good work. I would love to read your assessment of the value the Girl Scouts get (or to my point, don’t get) from the current methods parents use to sell Girl Scout cookies. I find it hard to believe emailing a form letter with an embedded order url to your parents’ friends and coworkers builds character. As the recipient, it seems that actively rejecting them would teach a better lesson. Though perhaps not quite as bad, the office sign up to order form is another example. At what point are the Girl Scouts just exploiting these children?


  4. Lahcen
    Lahcen says:

    Hi Penelope
    Could write a post where you share your reading habits and some Tips for fast reading. I love books but I get bored when reading slow. My vocabulary does not improve as I do not look up unknown words in the dictionary. Thank you

  5. Frank
    Frank says:

    Congratulations Penelope! Apparently, your last blog entry about the value of college New Paths to a Great Job was featured on the Rush Limbaugh show today. 20 million listeners got to hear about you. He was praising your article strongly. It was a great article. Well done

    • Truthus
      Truthus says:

      She’s a total hack. Bitter, jaded, and has no problem doling out Reckless, fruitless advice. That’s why. She’s a hack and she knows it…

  6. Sickened
    Sickened says:

    Have you told your children yet that you killed their siblings? I’m sure it’s cold comfort for them to know that at least you got to play volleyball.

  7. Ad
    Ad says:

    Well, you got your wish and received the attention narcissistic people like you crave. I hope to “god” that no women under 20 read your bitter, vitriolic tripe.
    Take your own advice on the plastic surgery.

  8. bharath
    bharath says:

    hi, ma’am…my name is Bharat, I am 22, I am from India.I want to choose fine arts as career option only because I am very much interested in painting. At present I am studying medicine.
    please give me advice.I am really confused. in another 2 years I can complete my undergraduation but I am not really interested in it. help me,ma’am_thank you…

  9. Young One
    Young One says:

    Hi, I’m a 15 year old public school student and I’ve Bern reading your post for a bit and I have a few contents and questions.

    The first thing is that I actually do enjoy going to public school. Though it’s not always challenging I’ve developed good traits from attending it

  10. Young One
    Young One says:

    It’s also helped me become interested in subject I’d never have known shoot by myself.

    My main question to you is, what is the foremost reason you choose homeschooling over regular schools.

  11. Joe de Braga
    Joe de Braga says:

    We have discovered a simple way to make dyslexia go away. It might be too simple, as many people don’t believe that it can possibly work. We use an eye exercise called Penny Power where we actually use two pennies to strengthen the eye muscles. Then we use a reading method that builds off of that eye exercise. Fluency improves immediately. We have just started our business and it is hard to get the word out to people. Should we make the system more complex? Should we charge more for our service? We want it to be affordable as many dyslexics are from a family of dyslexics and they are unable to obtain high paying jobs. It is hard to find the right solution.

  12. Lois
    Lois says:

    Hi Penelope!
    Just discovered your blog today while reading Maria Killam’s, and just loved it…..especially your journey with your husband.
    Tried to find the place to get on your mailing list, but did not find a sign up link.
    Hoping to get on board,

  13. Tallulah
    Tallulah says:

    This is brilliant. Thankyou so much. Your car analysis was great and pretty much summed up how the aspergers guy i am dating behaves. He revealed he had aspergers after we began dating and to be honest i would’nt have even known he didn’t seem to do anything out of yhe ordinary initially but i get that he just thinks differently.
    He is the funniest most handsome man i have ever met and i am going to do my very best to understand him and hopefully develop my relationship with him!
    It’s also useful to know about the dissapearing thing because sometimes i won’t hear from him for days and we may be midway through a conversation via txt msging and then he just doesn’t reply, but then afew days later he replies like it was ok to ignore me! But i understand now he proberly doesn’t realise this can be considered rude and not usual dating protocol! I will continue to learn more about this and thankyou once again!

  14. Claire Barton
    Claire Barton says:

    I am looking for “Ryan’s Easy Entitlement” article. It is often referred to in self help blogs for parents of adult children. All links have been disabled. I will not repost anywhere, I simply wish to read it- as all who have, claim it to be extremely useful. Please. I could really use the help. Thank you so much.

  15. Ganda Ahmadi
    Ganda Ahmadi says:

    Hi, so today I read your post which is dated November 15, 2007 about “being twentysomething is not meaning lost”. What do you think about being twentysomething today? Is the post from 2007 still relevant? I want to know about it. I like your post anyway, to be honest I was crying after read that. I’m 23 and kinda lost a little bit’ but still trying to not giving up on what I’m doing.

  16. Point ohms
    Point ohms says:

    What you posted on 12th October 2014 ,…you already mention in your text that people with asperger after married sleep i n a separate bed and rarely have intimate connection,…….. So why did you advice that people with asperger need a mate ,….are you,….?,…….I mean people with asperger can’t even be accepted by their own family ,…..then how could they be embraced by other family ,…….those who are not accepted by their own family their life is already in hell and after getting a mate through marriage their life will be infinity to the power infinity hell ,…..why do you give such a wrong advice,……….

  17. Marcene
    Marcene says:

    On yoga studios, there is nothing that qualifies this bloggers comments on the business of yoga.
    And some of these other posts. Talk about speaking out of school…wow! Such junk.

  18. Judy Hargrove
    Judy Hargrove says:

    I am a female electrician. I am almost 41 and I have 10 1/2 years experience with the company owned by my father. I currently hold the main license for the business and I am my father’s lead “woman”. I didn’t get here overnight. It was a lot of hard work and blood, sweat and almost tears. Okay there have been times I cried…but only because I seriously hurt myself and that only happened like twice in ten years. You want to be an electrician and be trained by your dad? I day “Do the damn thing!”. I am faster and better than 99 percent of the men I have ever worked with. Not trying to talk bad about men…
    I have the greatest appreciation for my fellow male electricians and have so many friends in this industry. But if you were to ask them they would tell you I am as good or better than any man. Just do the damn thing. But don’t be afraid to get hurt. Because you will…all the time.

  19. Baylee Jacobs
    Baylee Jacobs says:

    My name is BayleeJacobs I’m a single mom of three fundraising and working to get stable and give my children a better life. My highly abusive husband has abandoned us and isn’t paying child support. I am working hard but I need a little help, if people can share or repost and draw some traffic towards the fundraiser my family would greatly appreciate it. God bless the strong and the women who are rising from the ashes of abuse and single motherhood.www.gofundme.com/MoveMountainsforAngels

  20. Beth Hanson
    Beth Hanson says:

    did your son make it into Julliard?
    The article about his practise & preparation regime resonated deeply with me; I shared it with my 11 yr. old son, who is becoming a gifted percussionist. Thank you.


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